Refer someone for an Alexa device
To receive an Alexa device, someone living with sight loss needs a referral from a professional.
If you are a professional who supports someone living with sight loss who you think could benefit from one of our free Alexa devices, please complete the form below.
For more information contact or phone 01622 754757.
To receive a free device, the recipient must meet the following criteria:
- Be resident in the UK
- Be living with Sight Loss
- Be in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Personal Independent Payment (PIP) / Attendance Allowance (AA) or Adult Disability Payment (ADP) in Scotland or receives a means-tested benefit (or parent/guardian if under 18).
Please note that we are a small charity with limited resources. This means we sometimes have to restrict the number of devices we issue. For these reasons, occasionally referrals will join a waiting list.
Thank you for your patience while we work to ensure our support reaches all those who need it.