Referrer details
* indicates a required field.
Please enter the details of the person who is making the referral
Please state your profession*
Select a profession
Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO)
Rehabilitation Worker
Other sight loss or support professional
If you are referring on behalf of an organisation, please state the organisation name.*
Personal details
* indicates a required field.
Please enter details of the person who’ll receive the device
To get one of our devices, you need to be:
a resident in the UK
living with sight loss.
You also need to be receiving one of the following benefits:
Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
Personal Independent (PIP) or Attendance Allowance (AA)
Adult Disability Payment (ADP)
any means-tested benefit
a parent or guardian receiving one of these benefits (if the person receiving the device is under 18).
I confirm that the person receiving the device is eligible.*
Sight loss registration*
Please confirm your sight loss registration
Please select an option
Registered as sight impaired
Registered as severely sight impaired
Not registered but experiencing sight loss
Select an audio device*
If you are unsure if you are eligible or are not sure which device is right for you, please visit our audio devices page (this link will open in a new tab so that you can come back to this form). You will find details about our range of audio devices, who can apply, as well as user manuals and instructions.
Please note that devices that require a professional referral can only be selected if you’ve selected ‘sight loss or support professional’ in the referrer details section of this form.
Please select an option
Amazon Echo Dot
(Available only with a professional referral)
Amazon Echo Show
(Available only with a professional referral)
Amazon Echo Pop
(Available only with a professional referral)
Amazon Echo Dot Kids
(Available only with a professional referral)
Amazon Echo Show Kids
(Available only with a professional referral)
Synapptic USB Player
Lemega Pocket DAB/FM Radio
Relish Radio
Easy Music Player
Voxblock starter pack
(Available only with a professional referral)
Micro Speak Plus
My Little Morphée
(Available only with a professional referral)
Concerto 3
Roxel Nod