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Our impact

We are a small charity with big ambitions. By working together with our supporters, partners and people living with sight loss, we are determined to do more to unlock a world of audio content for blind and partially sighted people across the UK. 

Right now there are than 30,000 BWBF audio devices in homes across the UK. More than 5,000 people had downloaded our apps to date. 

Our audio devices 

The people we support include young people who have grown up as smartphone users and those who are less familiar with technology.  

We offer a choice and don’t make assumptions about what people need. That’s why we offer a range of audio devices to suit everyone’s needs. 

Since we started giving out Alexa devices in June 2024 these have fast become our most popular devices. But we also now offer more choice than ever. The One Button Radio might be the ideal option for someone who wants a simple radio they can operate independently without having to familiarise themselves with lots of buttons or dials. Whereas others might enjoy our CD or USB players. We even give sleep soothers for babies and young children.

Our audio devices keep people connected

Yvonne’s father Thomas started to lose his sight in old age, due to macular degeneration. His easy-to-use radio from BWBF has brought independence and a new sense of pleasure in life.

Even if you’re not talking to somebody, if you’re listening to the radio and you’re listening to the news, then you’re still feeling part of things.

Yvonne, whose dad Thomas has a free radio from BWBF

Our apps and Skills

Our mobile phone apps and Alexa Skill bring together a world of audio content. They remove the endless adverts, pop-ups, and platform-specific user interfaces that can be especially frustrating to navigate if you’re living with sight loss.  

Over the last year, we increased the number of radio stations on our Speech Radio app sevenfold. Today we offer more than 70,000 stations, all via one app. Meanwhile we transformed our Talking Newspaper app to be fully speech-powered. This means users can now navigate both our apps using simple voice commands. 

Our apps unlock a world of audio

Brian was born with congenital glaucoma. He lost the last of his vision in 2018. Using BWBF’s radio app helps him overcome everyday accessibility barriers to enjoy the radio via a simple, sight loss friendly interface. 

Radio is such a big thing for my generation. We’ve grown up with it and having access to the radio is always going to be a priority.

A picture of the front cover of BWBF's 2023 Impact Report. The cover features an older man with a radio, with a younger woman standing behind him smiling. Text reads: Keeping people connected: Our impact in 2023. The BWBF logo appears top left.

Impact Report: 2023

Our Impact Report for 2023 reveals the scale of our support and the human impact our radios, audio devices and apps have for people living with sight loss. Download the full length report or 'mini' version.

Impact Report: 2023 - Impact Report 2023 (audio)

Thomas sits at a table smiling with his Relish radio from BWBF in front of him
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