Message from Margaret Grainger, Chief Executive.
None of us could have predicted what 2020 would bring, and here at BWBF we are doing all we can to keep going during the Covid-19 crisis. The team here at BWBF have been determined to keep supporting our recipients though the pandemic and I am very proud of how everyone has pulled together to adapt during this difficult time.
Our phone lines have remained opened, and the team are carrying out their duties from home, making the most of technology to keep in touch.
At the beginning of the crisis, we had to make the difficult decision to cease all home visits and face-to-face services. This meant that we had to come up with another way to make sure that people living with sight loss were still able to receive our specially adapted devices. Our Regional Team came up with the idea of the BWBFConnect project and we trialled it straight away. As you will see from the rest of this report, it has been an unprecedented success.
We are so pleased that we have been able to support some of the UK’s most vulnerable people during the Covid-19 crisis. We are very aware that our service will need to continue to adapt for many months and we are committed to ensuring the safety and health of our staff, volunteers and recipients whilst continuing to support those with sight loss.
May I take this opportunity to thank our supporters and volunteers for their unwavering support.
“Lockdown has been
so difficult for me, the
radio has helped me so
much, thank you.”
“Thank you very much
for arranging the
wonderful gift of a
Concerto 2 radio.”
“You put the TV on
and all you get is
sadness 24/7, the radio
is a respite from Covid.
It gets overpowering
when you’re by
yourself and can’t talk
to anyone.“